The French Library located in Tudor Musatescu Street, Building V2b, downstairs the Cultural Center, Mioveni, serves the user’s interests of information, research, education, reading and recreation in the city of Mioveni, offering open, free and non-discriminatory access, to information and knowledge through data and their own collections.
The book stack of Mioveni French Library was donated by the Friendship Association Landerneau and the S.C. Automobile Dacia S.A.
In the library there are:
- over 10,000 volumes in French
valuable collections;
album art;
-over 10,400 volumes of technical books in Romanian.


Based on an entry permit users have access to all library branches and subsidiaries, the entry permit is obtained with the following documents:
card / identity card or residence visa floating in Mioveni city.
scholar card, student card targeted to day.
for young people up to 14 years is necessary a bulletin / identity card / of one of the parents.
• the user will sign an agreement with the library in which he is obliged to follow the rules governing the use of the library.
• the permit is valid for 5 years from the date of issue, with its annual endorsement requirement.


• each reader can borrow four books at a time;
• the deadline for the return of books is 14 days with possibility of extension for another 14 days;
• failure to return borrowed volumes is sanctioned by the payment of money under the internal rules of the operation of the library . For delays of more than 30 calendar days is added the license suspension of reader during a month;
• destruction or loss of library documents by readers is sanctioned by physical recovery of identical documents (title, author, publisher, year, edition ) in good physical condition or by paying an amount equal to the value of inventory and documents, updated by applying the rate of inflation to date, plus an amount of 1-5 times the price so calculated (Law library (r ) no. 334/2002 )
• the permit of users which do not comply with regulations is canceled .




Descarca Lista cartilor existente in Biblioteca Franceza

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